Dose Enhancers
Dose Enhancers

Price: $12.95
Sale: $6.48

Date Added: 10/16/2014 by Tom Walsh
This pack should be REQUIRED before trying any other Dosing. "Condition" allows you to settle into the right state of mind (and body) before taking on any other dose, or sequence of doses. "Reset" helps to bring you back to an even-state before trying another dose; I have found it really effective if I want to try different types of doses (ie. Sexual & Pharma.) or if I want to run through a sequence of doses, it helps to establish a "breather period" - it isn't mandatory, but I've found it to be the best way to complement a dosing Experience! "Alert " and "Calming" are great (what I call) "ending" doses. They will help to end a calm or intense experience before it's over, either by letting you stay alert and active to go on with your day, or to calm you to do, either the former, or fall into a peaceful (and RESTFUL) sleep. This really is Step 1 to someone who wants to try different doses in a sequence, or even for the experienced doser for setting up a sequence. Happy Dosing!!
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